Saturday 22 March 2014

DIffernce Shared hosting - VPS Hosting - Dedicated server hosting

When we think of hosting our site three types of hosting comes to our mind Shared Hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) and Dedicated Server. The pricing of these services varies from provider to provider and resources you want. Now what is the difference between these three services ?

1. Shared Hosting :

Shared hosting is a hosting service where many users share a single server. All the users have a separate directory where they can upload their files. This is generally most economical option as all the users share the overall cost of the server. The server is administered by the hosting provider and the technical tasks like managing servers, installing server software, security updates, technical support, etc. are the responsibility of the server admin. These servers generally use control panels like cPanel, Directadmin, Plesk, Interworx, etc which allow the users to manage their websites.

2. VPS (Virtual Private Server) :

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a virtual machine created on a physical server. The hosting provider creates multiple VPS on a physical server and provides access to their users. VPS is as good as a dedicated server but with limited resources. VPS provides root access to the user so the user can install any software/OS and perform any root level tasks. This option is a little expensive as it is more powerful than a shared hosting account and has more privileges.

3. Dedicated Server :

Dedicated server is a service where the user leases the entire physical server and is not shared by anyone else. Unlike VPS and Shared hosting the user has full control over the server. The user can choose the hardware, software, OS, etc. Dedicated server is useful because of the benefits like high performance, security, email stability and control. This option is the costliest as you are the only one who is bearing the cost of the entire server. Most of the providers offer Managed dedicated server where the server is managed by the provider upto some extent.

Who should go for Shared hosting ?

The users who just want a business website and do not need much resources can opt for shared hosting as the cost involved in shared hosting is nominal. If you are a start up company and want an online presence shared hosting is the best for you.

Who should go for a VPS ?

The users who have sites with huge volume of visits and complex tasks being executed VPS hosting is recommended. This is because such website requires high amount of resources and constant monitoring on the part of the server admin. VPS becomes bit expensive but if you need more resources it is better to go for a VPS.

Who should go for a Dedicated Server ?

Dedicated server is recommended for big companies and institutions who have huge data and perform multiple tasks and calculations. Dedicated server is expensive but you have full control over the server and you can install anything you require for your site. With a dedicated server you have ample resources to handle any volume of requests for your site.

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