Thursday 26 June 2014

Cannot edit DNS zone after cPanel update

Issue :

After updating all the cPanel software, following error occurs when trying to Edit a DNS zone :

Unable to parse zone: Error while parsing zonedata for *DOMAIN NAME HERE*.com: expected valid rname, line 4 …propagated at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/CPAN/Net/DNS/ZoneFile/ line 142.

Fix :

The error means that the dns zone has invalid data in it and it cannot be loaded. So you need to recreate the zone to fix this.

You can use the following cPanel script to do this :

/scripts/pkgacct accountname ( just to backup the account)

/scripts/killdns domainname

/scripts/adddns –domain domainname

Please note that while recreating the domain using the above script it will not create the sub-domain. It will create the default DNS records. You can also specify the ip address using ” –ip X.X.X.X ” option

After running the scripts, you can manually add the entries for the sub-domains .

Cannot edit DNS zone after cPanel update

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