Thursday 26 June 2014

Install squirrelmail to Parallels Helm 4.1 as an application package (APS)

I recently needed to be able to offer squirrelmail 1.4 to customers using Parallels Helm 4.1

I downloaded the latest version of squirrelmail and bundled it up so that it can be added as a package in the control panel.

The config file is based on the original sample config file provided in the parallels sample application package. GUID created using this tool.

Please note

The way the config is setup it will create the following two directories which are above the web root of the domain (this is recommended by the squirrelmail documentation).


Once installed your clients will be able to access this package through their Helm control panel at

Home > My Domains > > Application Packs


ps: as usual no waranties made and no liabilities accepted. Any questions let me know!

Download the application package for Helm

Install squirrelmail to Parallels Helm 4.1 as an application package (APS)

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