Thursday 26 June 2014


Command to find the no of process running by each user

ps aux |awk '$1 ++P[$1] END for(a in P) if (a !="USER") print a,P[a]' | sort -k 2

Command to find total no of php process running be each user

ps aux | grep php  |awk '$1 ++P[$1] END for(a in P) if (a !="USER") print a,P[a]' | sort -n -k 2

Command to find total no of dovecot process running be each user

ps aux | grep dovecot  |awk '$1 ++P[$1] END for(a in P) if (a !="USER") print a,P[a]' | sort -n -k 2

Command to kill all the Dovecot process

ps -aux | grep dovecot | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

Find Plesk admin password from commandline

/usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password

Command to kill all process running on Port 80

ps -aux | grep dovecot | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

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