Thursday 26 June 2014

Problem with yum update

Following is the error that occurred :

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
addons | 951 B 00:00
base | 2.1 kB 00:00
extras | 1.1 kB 00:00
updates | 1.9 kB 00:00
Not using downloaded repomd.xml because it is older than what we have:
Current : Tue Feb 9 08:57:23 2010
Downloaded: Tue Jan 26 09:27:44 2010
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update

Solution :

Run the following two commands :

yum clean all
yum check-update

That should fix the issue.

Problem with yum update

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